A Personal Delivery from Santa’s Hands to My Heart On Christmas Eve – A Precious Christmas Story
Curled up with one of my favorite books of all time, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee and my body robed with a soft warm cozy blanket I felt myself slowly drifting in a beautiful dream.
I gave myself permission to nap for a little while because I knew that my Christmas list was on my dining room table waiting for me. I had so much to do, but I also needed some me time.
As I lay sleeping I heard a sound downstairs. My family had been sleeping for a few hours now which is why I decided to relax, rest and read. The three R’s help to restore my mind, spirit and body.
All of a sudden I heard the sound of footsteps. It startled me at first, but for a good reason I welcomed those footsteps into my home because I knew who they belonged to.
I slowly got up from my bed, folded my blanket and made my way downstairs. When I walked into my living room, there he was. It was Santa. He looked at me and smiled. I walked over to him and gave him a good old fashioned hug.
Santa Came Bearing Gifts As He Delivered A Sac Full of Smiles and One of Those Gifts Was for Me
His belly was soft as a pillow and round as a soccer ball. His stomach was filled to the brim. I tickled his tummy and I heard a HO HO HO Merry Christmas quietly echoing from the depths of his soul. Talk about adorable, Santa was so very sweet.
Santa was busy. He had so much to do. I talked with him as he stuffed the kids stockings. I went into his big red velvet sack and helped him to put the Christmas gifts under our flocked tree.
After his work was done I made Santa a hot cup of cocoa. I also gave him a slice of the most moist red velvet cake I had ever baked. He enjoyed it all to the very last red sweet crumb.
Good Old St. Nick Is the Giver of the Best Christmas Gifts Ever
Santa then asked me if he could take a quick little nap before he departed. I offered him a fluffy pillow and large fleece blanket. I covered him up all the way to his shoulders to make sure he was nice, comfy, cozy and warm. I placed his black leather boots by the fireplace because I wanted to make sure that his feet would be warm when he put his boots back on.
While Santa slept I went back into the kitchen and cleaned the dishes.
It wasn’t long thereafter that I heard Santa awake. I walked into the room and Santa was refreshed and ready to go. I was a little sad to see him leave, but I knew he had work to do.
Together we fed his reindeer before taking flight into the night. The evening was cold, but Santa was warm and his belly full.
Before departing, Santa Claus gave me another tight hug and wished me well before he entered his sleigh.
He said Merry Christmas have a good night.
I watched him fly high in the sky until I could see him no more.
I closed my door and went into my living room to sit for a while.
Looking at my beautifully decorated Christmas tree I noticed a big red box with a white glittering bow with my name on it. I opened it up. Inside was the prettiest of the prettiest……………………
Create in your own mind whatever you see in that red box that Santa gifted you and all your days will transformed a little every day.
Merry Christmas