My Heart Will Always Belong To Christmas
Miles away from my childhood home, but always in my heart and home at Christmas. It’s an Oxford Street Christmas.
Growing up in West Philadelphia, I had the most phenomenal childhood .
I had amazing friends who easily became family. We loved each other with a love so powerful that it followed us into adulthood.
We played together 7 days a week and we went to school together enjoying every second of our time creating memories that would last a lifetime.
Looking back on those glory days I smile.
Reflecting on those beautiful days that changed my life I can’t help but think about Christmastime in my home.
My childhood home was spilling over with an abundance of love. I was blessed with 2 awesome parents who blessed our home with a whole lot of love.
Morning, noon and night I deeply felt their love permeating throughout our home.
A day did not go by that I didn’t feel the true love that my mom and dad showed me and my siblings. Home cooked meals, caramel pound cakes, an immaculate house and love constantly showed to our neighbors taught me how to love. I took that love with me when I got married. This kind of love can make an enormous difference when it comes to life and Christmas.
Being clothed with such warmth and comfort my parents made sure that my 3 brothers and sister had the most wonderful Christmases every year. Talk about the most wonderful time of the year, we had great fun decorating our home for the Christmas holiday. From the porch to the living room our Christmas decor was sensational and I mean spectacular.
I’ll never forget the one year that my sister and I decorated our 8 foot Christmas tree. It was gorgeous. Our neighbor, Rusty, came over to visit and he said he had never seen a tree that beautiful. It touched my heart that he noticed all the work that into decorating our Christmas tree.
The Spirit of Christmas Lives in My Home
Now that I have a family of my own I make sure to keep the Christmas Spirit alive in my home.
My children love our Christmas decor. Every year I decorate with a special Christmas theme. My Christmas color theme for 2024 was red and gold. For Christmas 2025 my theme will be silver and gold with angels and gold reindeer if I can find them. I looked for them last year, but could not find exactly what I wanted.
Every year I start out early in search of Christmas items that I want. I also shop early for family members. My son is a big time Lakers fan so I’ll be shopping for sales from the NBA Store. I always find great buys.
My daughters and I also make plans to do create those very special memories that we can all pass on to their very small children.
When I tell you that I look forward to the Christmas Season it is because of the love that my parents blessed me with at Christmas and all year long. What a special time of year it was for me and remains to this day.
The Spirit of Christmas rests upon my heart and can be lovingly felt throughout my home all year long.
An Oxford Street Christmas of wonder and splendor!
Love, Cyndi